
'compare to' in a sentence

Learn how to use 'compare to' with 20 example sentences.

  • Compared to yesterday, the weather is better today.
  • Compared to him, I'm only a beginner.
  • Our problems are nothing compared to hers.
  • Compared to our house, his is virtually a palace.
  • The computer is often compared to the human brain.
  • Compared to tigers, bears are nice animals.
  • Compared to his brother, he's not so wise.
  • I'm often compared to my brothers.
  • Life is often compared to a journey.
  • This candidate is significantly better compared to his predecessor.
  • Compared to Tokyo, London is small.
  • A book can be compared to a friend.
  • We're children compared to you.
  • Compared to before, it's already improved greatly.
  • What am I, compared to the universe?
  • My feet are small compared to yours.
  • Death is often compared to sleep.
  • Compared to those around him, he looked really happy.
  • It's nothing compared to what she did.
  • Compared to New York, Tokyo is a much safer place.
  • Words near 'compare to' in the dictionary